Patrick Fraser Brings Ballet Into The Future For ABT

Requested by name by executive producer Clair Grupp, Patrick Fraser’s faculties (and portfolio) made him the perfect photographer to capture American Ballet Theatre’s latest promotional posters. The “dream project” features principal dancers in works they will perform during their 2018 season at the David H. Koch Theater in New York City, including Twyla Tharp’s “In The Upper Room” and Jerome Robbins’ “Fancy Free.” Up to 12 ads, all of which were art directed by Candice Ralph, will be on view throughout the plaza at Lincoln Center this fall. In order to create the dynamic poses needed for the posters, Patrick relied on his extensive experience shooting dance (his wife is ballerina Carla Körbes). “The timing is critical because those dancers won’t repeat things too much,” he explained. “They are athletes, so the approach is the same.”